Sharing similar life values with your partner is very important. Here are the key points:
- Know if you and your partner want the same things
- Ask questions early to understand each other’s values
- Look at how they spend time and money to see their actual values
- Having mismatched values often leads to problems later on
Do you and your dating partner’s values line up? Read on to learn how to find out.
Discover What’s Important to Each of You
One good way to understand someone’s values is to ask them the “magic wand” question: “If I gave you a magic wand, what would your love life look like in three years?” Their answer shows what future they want.
You can also ask directly, “What are your most important life values?” But make it a fun conversation, not an interrogation.
Don’t Just Listen, Observe
Words are one thing, but watch how your partner lives. Do their actions match what they say? For example, if they claim spirituality is vital, do they pray, attend religious services, or study scriptures?
Where someone spends their limited time and money reveals their true priorities. If they value personal growth, they should read books, listen to podcasts, or take classes.
Different Values Can Cause Problems
Having different core values makes it very hard to resolve disagreements. One person may want an ambitious career, while the other wants to be a stay-at-home parent. Religious or political differences are also difficult to reconcile.
Incompatible values often lead couples to grow apart over time. That’s why it’s crucial to discuss them openly early in dating.
The key is being upfront about your values and life vision. Pay close attention to potential partners’ words and deeds. Finding someone compatible can save a lot of heartache later.
Wouldn’t meeting someone you click with on the deepest level would be great? Keeping this in mind helps attract healthy, lasting love.
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