- Do you like your guy friend as more than a friend?
- Are you unsure if he feels the same way about you?
- Find out how to tell if he likes you without risking your friendship.
What if you like your guy friend romantically?
It can be both exciting and scary to realize you have feelings for a close guy friend. On the one hand, you already have a great bond. But on the other, you worry about losing the friendship if he doesn’t like you back. What should you do?
Two Ways to Find Out If He Likes You
1. The Subtle Flirting Method
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Relationship expert Matthew Hussey suggests indirectly flirting to see how your friend reacts. He calls this the ‘yellow light’ approach. Try saying something playful to him in person, like:
“It’s a good thing we’re just friends because I don’t think you could handle dating me. Since we’re friends, you can’t wear that cologne anymore. It smells too good and I might get in trouble!”
Jokes like this hint at the idea of you two being more than friends. If he flirts back, that’s a good sign! If not, he likely wants to stay just friends.
2. The Direct and Honest Method
If subtle flirting doesn’t work, it’s time to be bold. Hussey calls directly to address the situation using the ‘green light’ approach. Open up to your friend honestly, saying something like:
“Can I ask you something kind of personal? I love our friendship and the way we connect. But recently, I’ve started feeling a romantic attraction to you too. I’m not sure what to do about it and wanted your thoughts.”
Being this vulnerable takes guts, but it also earns respect. You’ll know to move on if he wants to be friends. If he admits liking you, too, you can explore dating.
The only way to know if your guy friend likes you romantically is to be brave and change the friendship energy. Yes, it’s risky and scary to put yourself out there. But in the long run, it’s better than staying stuck in limbo.
Flirting indirectly keeps the friendship intact if he’s not interested. And being direct gives him a chance to express his true feelings if he is. As intimidating as it feels, you must ask where you stand. What’s the worst that could happen?
Photo Credit – Pexels